a voice is all you have.

Welcome to Dog Solitude, where host Wirehead explores the frontiers of technology, science, and offers sharp news commentary. Join him on a weekly journey through the latest developments and the evolving landscape of our world.

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The Story Behind Dog Solitude

We did not invent Dog Solitude, the esteemed science fiction mastermind William Gibson did. It is simply our rapacious gall and need to become squatters in such a apt space that led to our ideological lodging there. It is our desire to leave it cleaner than we found it, but this warrants no guarantees. Just a simple respect for the place.

Your Perspicacious Host

Wirehead began his journalism career in 1994 as an on-air news reporter for KRUA 88.1 FM in Anchorage, Alaska.

His skill developed into longer shifts as a disc jockey and soon became coupled with an obsessive interest in computer science, particularly the Internet and the BBS (bulletin board system) scene.
He leaned into the technology element for the next thirty years as an engineer, with writing also finding its place on and off again in the same period. At present, he has authored five works in fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.
Journalism came back in vogue for him, so he earned credentials from Michigan State University in 2022 and is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists, as well as a certified intelligence analyst.

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